Our Services
Optometrists You Can Count On
When you need an optometrist, turn to the doctors at Six One Six Vision Center for the best eye care in Treasure Valley. Among the services we provide:

- Dry eye disease testing. Dry eye disease is diagnosed by a combination of ocular signs and symptoms. During our comprehensive eye exam, we will look at the eyelids and surface of the eye to evaluate them for signs of dry eye disease. The therapies for dry eye disease include nutritional supplements, artificial tears and topical medications, such as lid hygiene products and anti-inflammatories.
- Myopia control. The main reason for myopia control is to keep your prescription from getting progressively stronger. As myopia (nearsightedness) progresses, thicker, heavier eyeglass lenses are needed to correct vision. In addition, people with significant myopia are more susceptible to a variety of eye conditions, such as retinal holes, tears or detachments. The goal of myopia control is to reduce the progression of nearsightedness to decrease the chance of these unfortunate complications later in life.
Eye Exams, Glasses and Contacts
- Annual eye exams. Regular eye exams are important for children as well as adults, to ensure their visual system is developing properly and that vision problems don’t hinder learning and affect the developmental process. Headaches, struggling with homework or problems in school might all be indications of a vision problem, and should be evaluated by an eye doctor.
- Frames & lenses. At Six One Six Vision Center, our team of eye care experts also provides frames and lenses for custom eyeglasses, with styles to fit every taste.
- Contact lens exams. Even though contact lenses are considered healthy and safe, they are medical devices prescribed to manage the health of your eyes. We provide education on the proper wear and care of lenses for long-term comfort and eye health.